Purchase Negotiation and Settlement

Once you’ve defined your search criteria and discovered great opportunities and then refined your list the next stage is purchase negotiation. Vendor’s sales agents are often skilled in the art of urgency and compression which means they’re total focus is on highest price and quickest sale, but not always in that order. 

It’s good to have someone who can change the pace and begin negotiations based on your circumstances.

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Property Evaluation fine tunes the property buying funnel

A property sales process tends to move quickly particularly when you are buying from an experienced real estate sales agent. It can also happen if you have all your finances and property checks in order and are able to move quickly yourself to secure a property.

The key consideration at this stage is that you find the best property that suits your needs and budget and that matches your criteria set in your goals!

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Property Search and Discovery – What’s Involved & Who Does it?

Newcastle is the Epicentre of Growth

Sydney’s high property prices have pushed first home owners and property investors further out and increased demand on regional areas. While some people are looking to move out of the city to the Central Coast or Hunter regions, property investors are looking for the next growth area to invest in like the inner suburbs of Newcastle or low priced alternatives like Morisset and Cooranbong, where it is still close enough to commute to Sydney but house prices are low and increasing.

Continue reading “Property Search and Discovery – What’s Involved & Who Does it?”