Walls and Painting

Walls are made of plasterboard and are commonly used by tenants to hang pictures. Some tenants

  • put nails in walls without finding a “stud” to nail into while others
  • use sticky tape that causes the paint to peel off when removed, and others
  • use Blu Tack

The result of damage to walls means that the property owner / landlord needs to find someone who can.

  1. Clean the current wall to remove any grit, mould, moister or scratches
  2. Cover up holes and cracks
  3. Sand over the covered areas to create a smooth surface
  4. Put an undercoat on and wait for it to dry, then
  5. Put a top coat on

These areas are located in a 1 bedroom unit (click to see dimension) and need to be fixed/repaired to bring it back to a good condition.

Overused air conditioner caused dampness and mould on walls. Cleaners came but good to go over this area with cleaner before painting.
Scuffs and scratches from hanging things on the wall need to be patched up and then sanded back to be able to paint on again.
Paint can even come off on the ceiling
When someone bumps into a wall it can cause a long crack which needs to be patched up, then sanded back before painting.
Holes in Gyprock and dry walls need to be patched, sanded and then painted

Tiles, Silicon and Grout

The join of the kitchen brench top and the splashback tiles needs to be removed and then resealed
Badly used sealant has caused the lines in between tiles to go black and the seal at the bottom with the bath is black and not sealing.
Area between tiles and bath in the shower area needs to be resealed
Join between kitchen and bench top needs to be resealed