Transportable Home Relocaters

A relocater will usually perform the following steps:

  • Dismantling of an annex and anything that can’t be lifted and placed onto the back of a truck and loading of those parts onto a truck
  • Getting the annex and any loose parts like besser blocks etc from A to B on their own truck
  • Ordering a crane to lift the transportable home from where it is onto the back of a truck for transport by that trucking company from A to B
  • Liaising with the trucking company or delivery person to get the house safely from A to B
  • Placing the transportable home (caravan part) where you want it
  • Connecting the Caravan to the Annex
  • Re-assembling the annex at the delivery location

This is just a rough guide to help you in your price estimation and quoting but you need to speak with a person who will do this for you and get a quotation from them based on your property location and access.

Here are two relocaters we are aware of.

Rodney is based in the Central Coast of NSW and moved the house originally from Budgewoi to Windale
Bob is based at Gateshead NSW