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How Loose-Fill Asbestos Insulation Could Destroy Your Property’s Value

In July 2018, the Department of Fair Trading will launch a loose-fill asbestos insulation (LFAI) awareness campaign in Newcastle, as part of the department’s Loose-Fill Asbestos Insulation Taskforce.

If LFAI is discovered they’ll buy the property at market valuation and demolish it, but if you don’t register before 31st July who knows what will happen.

The goal is to get as many property owners in the region to register their homes for testing.

Loose-fill asbestos is an especially noxious form of raw, crushed asbestos used for ceiling insulation during the 1960s and 70s [Is There Loose-Fill Asbestos Insulation in Your Home?] that requires the complete demolition and remediation of the house and land to remove the hazard.

A public register of LFAI-affected homes

Since the NSW Government introduced a voluntary buyback scheme for properties that tested positive for LFAI, it’s created a public register of properties that are confirmed to contain LFAI or where there’s significant to suggest that it is present.

Homes confirmed to contain LFAI are eligible for the government’s buyback scheme, detailed in a previous post. Meanwhile, properties that are listed on the register as a risk of containing LFAI but not tested, will remain there.

How LFAI changed the law

A number of new laws have been introduced to identify properties affected by LFAI and to protect residents and workers in those communities. This has resulted in the following:

Failure to rectify LFAI in your home

If your home is suspect to contain or confirmed as containing LFAI and the premises aren’t demolished and remediated, effectively renders them worthless due to new mandatory reporting and disclosure rules introduced by the state government.

We make this announcement because it is one step in the due diligence process for Property Evaluation that is important now but will be mandatory in the near future.


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